MC: And we’re back for round number 2 of HEALTHCARE Trivia with Joel Harrison from leading Obamacare 1-0
Question 2: Please explain how the Affordable Care Act has affected healthcare prices and why.
Obamacare: (buzz) Free healthcare for everyone… just like these Obamapops. (Throws handful of Obamapops.) The ACA is great. The government is paying for everyone’s healthcare. I just applied last week and got coverage for $37 a month thanks to the government’s help.
MC: Obamacare, aren’t 2014 health insurance premiums being quoted at an increase of 100% or more from 2013 prices?
(Obamapop hits Obamacare in the head and knocks him out)
Joel: (looks confused *Buzz*) Yes, it is true that healthcare premiums are going up, and that is unfortunate. But here is why: health insurance plans are getting better. Every plan now has Essential Health Benefits. (graphic) The underlined benefits were previously optional. Now everyone gets them. This guy (pic of old guy) gets maternity. This girl (pic of quite “nice” girl) gets mental health and substance abuse… and that’s a good thing… (softly shaking head and looking up) it’s always the quiet ones.
New plans also have “Cost sharing limits,” which means that no one will pay more than $6350 for their out of pocket max, $12700 for a family. Follow a few other rules and you’ve got yourself a Qualified Health Plan.
Other changes include unlimited lifetime limits, which means you can’t get dropped for using your insurance, and that’s actually a GREAT thing.
Another great thing is Guaranteed Issue: This means that everyone can have insurance, without having to worry about pre-existing conditions. The only questions they will need to answer are: Where do you live, how old are you, and what plan would you like?
And the 300% rule means that no one person will pay more than 300% more than any other person.
As you can see, there are big changes here. These plans are stacked, and most of them are GREAT coverage. The downside is that Congressmen wrote the law and they aren’t insurance people. So the big side effect is that it’s gonna cost ya.
MC: (sleepy) Uh uh yeah… that’s correct. Another point for Joel. And Obamacare has been taken to an in-network facility only 90 minutes away. I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Remember you don’t have to be scared about the cost of healthcare. Between subsidies, affordable options, and working with the system, Mensing Consulting Solutions can find a plan that works for you. Even if you don’t think you can afford health insurance, give us a call. We’ll give you peace of mind, and a plan that gets you covered! Our toll-free number is: 1-855-MENSING. Or, fill out a free quote request at
So at the end of round one we have Joel ahead of Obamacare 2-0
We’ll be right back.